The hand that Codes

Continuous Verification in Action

This post examines a pipeline developed to demonstrate the concept of Continuous Verification in detail

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Observability - The Complete Story - from metrics, logging, to tracing

In managing applications deployed on Kubernetes, developers have a significant number of options to choose from. These options cover both open source, and commercial options and cover three main categories: Metrics — are a numeric representation of data measured over intervals of time. And you can use mathematical modeling and prediction to derive the behavior of the system over an internal of time - either present or the future. Hence, metrics are useful for monitoring but more powerful when enabled with analysis mechanisms such as correlation and anomaly detection.

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Multi-Account Log Aggregation in AWS for Observability and Operations

Are you using multiple AWS/Azure accounts and struggling with log management? This blog walks through advantages and tradeoffs of different ways to achieve this

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Packaging Applications for Kubernetes

How are applications packaged for use in a Kubernetes environment? This post looks at two of the most common methods, a

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Easy as pie - Connecting your application to Cosmos DB

As we’ve discussed in multiple blogs on this site, our application of choice has always been the AcmeShop App. It has multiple services, some of which are also DBs, redis and mongo. We built this app to show case multiple services, and to keep the application portable. Hence the inclusion of Mongo and Redis in the app as a Kubernetes service. While this architecture is fairly typical for test/dev environments, its not typical with regards to production environments.

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AWS Secrets Manager vs HashiCorp Vault

News about data breaches, leaked customer information and stolen passwords for critical infrastructure are becoming very common. Many of these incidents seem to be related to mismanagement of credentials, unencrypted passwords, secrets being pushed to git repositories or secrets being hard coded within the application, leaving no room for rotation. This has led to increasing demand for Secrets Management tools like AWS Secrets Manager, HashiCorp Vault, Confidant and others. In this blog, we will look at

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The Mechanics of Services in Kubernetes

Before I get started, I’d like to give special thanks to two of my colleagues at VMware, Duffie Cooley and Scott Lowe of the Kubernetes Architecture team for helping me think through and better understand this subject. I’d highly recommend following both for their thoughts on cloud native architectures and Kubernetes. Services are one of the most commonly configured and used configuration object in Kubernetes. Through I used them frequently as I was learning how to use Kubernetes, I found recently that I didn’t understand how services interacted with the other objects within a Kubernetes cluster.

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What did your developer violate today?

With more and more applications using public cloud (AWS/Azure/GCP) and the ever changing number of features services that are available on these hyperscalers, how do you maintain a stable process of deploying and managing resources and applications in the public cloud? We know that most enterprise companies have a shift in organizational boundaries to start and “Grapple” with this shift. That shift is a segmenting of their IT organization into two distinct parts Traditional IT - tasked with managing “on-prem” data centers and usually requires the individual in this organization to have a balance between HW and SW knowledge and skills.

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Turnkey Containers from Bitnami: A Real World Use Case

As you may have seen recently, VMware recently announced the intent to acquire Bitnami.Bitnami is a leader in application packaging solutions providing the largest catalog of click-to-deploy applications and development stacks for major cloud and Kubernetes environments. There are several great use cases for Bitnami package for all the things I have been working on recently. One of the most helpful recently was the turnkey container selection. These containers are pre-built, fully managed containers, for a multitude of apps and services.

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Managing group access to EKS Clusters with AWS IAM

In a previous blog we reviewed how to create and manage EKS Clusters on AWS. In particular we discussed: How to use a simple tool from Weaveworks eksctl to setup and use EC2 nodes, network, security, and policies to get your cluster up. Providing access to the EKS cluster and how to use a easy but non-scalable configuration to provide access (modifying aws-auth configmap in the EKS cluster). Showcased Day 2 operations with respect to cost and utilization, security in AWS, and observability.

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